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Mission Statement

Peregrine Environmental Services

Peregrine evolved from a small environmental consulting company founded by Annette Svederus.  Annette has a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (majors in Land Reclamation and Remediation, and Wildlife and Rangeland) from the University of Alberta. Annette has been involved in the environmental industry for the past 15 years. She has extensive experience in governmental sectors of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments, non-profit organizations and industry.

Annette has a strong background in the agricultural and forest industries; native and introduced plant identification and soil classification. Her experience includes: 5 years with the Department of Agriculture and Environment in their Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture research and extension programs (soil, water and air quality, and biodiversity). She has been involved with research programs with Alberta colleges and universities and instructed courses at Olds College including Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture, soil classification, soil quality, GIS and GPS applications, and water and air quality. 

Over the past 5 years she has managed a small environmental company, which is actively involved in the oil and gas industry in environmental pre and post site assessments and reports, environmental field reports and  native consultation, environmental protection plans, area operating agreements, rare plant surveys, wildlife surveys, environmental monitoring and additional components of the upstream oil and gas industry.  As well she has been involved in contaminated sites and commercial environmental property assessments. Annette has also obtained P.Ag status as a member with the Alberta Association of Agrologists and is a member of the Canadian Land and Reclamation Association.